May ’19 PPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released May 19 Producer Price Indexes (PPI) today. The All commodities index decreased 0.3% over the last month & declined by 0.8% over the last year on a seasonally unadjusted basis. Industrial commodities less fuels was unchanged between April – May ’19 & rose by 0.7% between May ’18 […]

Clarifying How LIFO Works

The most common resistance we get when speaking with companies regarding LIFO is related to its complexity. “It just doesn’t make sense” is a common theme. “I don’t know why anyone would go out of their way to make inventory accounting more complicated” is another often-used rebuttal. But the bottom line is that LIFO provides […]

April 2019 CPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released April 2019 Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) today. The all items category increased 0.5% over the last month & rose by 2.0% over the last year while All items less food and energy increased 0.2% between March – April ’19 and rose by 2.1% between April ’18 – ’19.

April 2019 PPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released April 2019 Producer Price Indexes (PPI) today. The All commodities index increased 0.5% over the last month & rose by 0.9% over the last year on a seasonally unadjusted basis.

March ’19 PPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released March 2019 Producer Price Indexes (PPI) today. The All commodities index increased 1.2% over the last month & rose by 0.9% over the last year on a seasonally unadjusted basis.

March 2019 CPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released March 2019 Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) today. The all items category increased 0.6% over the last month & rose 1.9% over the last year while All items less food and energy increased 0.3% between February – March ’19 and rose 2.0% between March ’18 – March ’19.

February 2019 PPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released February 2019 Producer Price Indexes (PPI) today. The All commodities index increased 0.1% over the last month & decreased 0.3% over the last year on a seasonally unadjusted basis.

February 2019 CPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released February 2019 Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) today. The all items category increased 0.4% over the last month & rose1.5% over the last year while All items less food and energy increased 0.4% between January – February ’19 & rose 2.1% over the last year.

January ’19 PPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released January 2019 Producer Price Indexes (PPI) today. The All commodities index decreased 1.7% over the last month & rose 0.4% over the last year on a seasonally unadjusted basis.

January 2019 CPI Release Highlights

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released January 2019 Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) today. The all items category increased 0.2% over the last month & by 1.6% over the last year while All items less food and energy increased 0.4% between December ’18 – January ’19 & by 2.2% over the last year.