Jamie Pentagulio

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released July 2024 Consumer Price Index (CPI) today. Highlights are as follows (all indexes are on a seasonally unadjusted basis):

All items rose 0.1% in the last month and increased 2.9% in the last twelve months
Food at home increased 0.3% from June and rose 1.1% since July 2023
Cereals + bakery products fell 0.1% in the last month and saw no change in the last twelve months
Meats, poultry, fish + eggs increased 1.0% since June and rose 3.0% from July 2023
Dairy + related products rose 1.3% in the last month and increased 1.2% in the last twelve months
Fruits + vegetables rose 0.6% from June and fell 0.2% since July 2023
Other foods fell 0.3% in the last month and rose 0.3% in the last twelve months
Gasoline (all types) rose 0.8% since June and decreased 2.2% from July 2023
All items, less food and energy, rose 0.1% in the last month and increased 3.2% in the last twelve months
Apparel fell 1.6% from June and increased 0.2% since July 2023
New vehicles fell 0.1% in the last month and decreased 1.0% in the last twelve months
Used cars + trucks decreased 1.1% since June and fell 10.9% from July 2023
Motor vehicle parts + equipment rose 0.3% in the last month and fell 0.3% in the last twelve months
Medical care commodities rose 0.2% from June and increased 2.8% since July 2023
Alcoholic beverages increased 0.1% in the last month and rose 1.9% in the last twelve months
Tobacco + smoking products rose by 0.2% since June and increased 7.9% from July 2023
Personal care products increased 0.2% in the last month and rose 0.8% in the last twelve months

BLS CPI Historical Annual Inflation Rate Averages Through July 2024 Table For Selected Categories

BLS CPI CodeBLS CPI Category Description1MYTD1 YR 7/243Y 7/245 YR 7/2410 YR 7/2420Y 7/24
SAFFOOD & BEVERAGES0.2%1.6%2.2%5.8%4.9%3.1%2.8%
SAF11Food at home0.3%1.2%1.1%5.8%4.9%2.5%2.5%
SAF114Nonalcoholic beverages & beverage materials0.3%2.0%1.9%6.9%5.3%2.9%2.3%
SEFNJuices & nonalcoholic drinks0.2%1.7%2.5%7.2%5.8%3.3%2.4%
SEFN01Carbonated drinks0.7%2.6%3.9%7.7%6.5%3.7%2.9%
SEFN03Nonfrozen noncarbonated juices & drinks-0.1%0.8%1.1%6.7%5.3%3.0%1.9%
SEFPBeverage materials including coffee & tea0.6%2.6%0.4%6.1%4.1%1.9%2.0%
SEFP02Other beverage materials including tea-1.1%2.2%1.8%5.3%4.0%2.2%1.8%
SAF115Other food at home-0.2%1.3%0.9%7.2%5.3%2.8%2.5%
SEFT06Other miscellaneous foods-0.6%0.5%1.0%6.8%5.4%2.7%2.3%
SEFWAlcoholic beverages at home0.1%1.6%2.0%2.6%2.2%1.6%1.5%
SEFW01Beer, ale & other malt beverages at home0.2%2.5%4.0%4.3%3.7%2.7%2.3%
SEFW02Distilled spirits at home0.4%1.2%0.4%1.5%1.4%0.9%0.9%
SEFW03Wine at home-0.2%1.0%0.8%1.6%1.2%0.8%0.9%
SEHEFUEL OIL & OTHER FUELS1.1%-5.3%1.0%7.2%5.7%0.9%4.5%
SAH3HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & OPERATIONS0.1%0.8%-0.4%4.1%3.5%1.8%0.8%
SAM1MEDICAL CARE COMMODITIES0.2%1.7%2.8%3.5%1.9%1.9%2.2%
SEMFMedicinal drugs0.2%1.8%2.9%3.4%1.9%2.0%
SEMF01Prescription drugs0.1%1.9%2.5%2.7%1.4%2.0%8.6%
SEMF02Nonprescription drugs0.3%1.7%3.9%5.2%2.9%1.3%
SEMGMedical equipment and supplies-0.1%0.6%1.0%5.3%1.8%1.0%
SEGATOBACCO & SMOKING PRODUCTS0.2%3.8%6.7%7.2%6.6%5.5%6.0%
SEGBPERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS0.2%1.4%6.7%4.0%2.1%0.9%0.8%
SEGEMISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL GOODS-0.9%-1.8%8.7%3.7%3.2%0.1%-0.1%
SAGOTHER GOODS AND SERVICES0.2%2.5%6.1%5.5%4.4%3.2%3.1%
SEREOther recreational goods-0.4%-0.9%1.6%-0.3%-1.0%-4.0%-3.9%
SERGRecreational reading materials0.7%2.6%-0.1%2.4%2.8%2.2%1.9%
CPI BLS Economic News Release BLS PPI Table 9 Detailed Report BLS PPI Table 11 Detailed Report Good LIFO Candidates