In accordance with IRS regulations §472, taxpayers are required to annually calculate the ending LIFO inventory value. In order to comply with the IRS LIFO conformity rule, taxpayers are also required to present income as determined under the LIFO method on year end financial reports/statements for all periods that income is reported on a LIFO basis on the tax return. In conjunction with complying with the LIFO conformity rule, an adjusting journal entry must be made to account for the change in the current vs. prior period’s LIFO reserve.
A taxpayer’s current LIFO value inventory is a historic accumulation of quantity and price changes from the taxpayer’s initial year of the LIFO election. Therefore, the taxpayer must maintain supplemental and detailed LIFO inventory records that support the current value of the inventory and the clear reflection of income. The LIFO regulations underline the importance of these historic records by specifically requiring that taxpayers maintain them. This includes annually determining the Current-year Cost, calculating a current year inflation index, calculating base year & LIFO increments (decrements), computing the LIFO inventory value and determining the LIFO reserve.
The Service may terminate a taxpayer’s LIFO election if the taxpayer fails to comply with the LIFO conformity rule, or if the taxpayer does not maintain adequate books and records for its LIFO inventory and all computations.
Auto Dealer Net Inventory Method Services
In accordance with IRS Regs. §471-3(b) Rev. Ruling 84-41, manufacturers rebates (aka trade discounts) and advertising expenses must be treated as a reduction in the cost of the automobile in the year of purchase. Accordingly, these items must be annually reduced from the cost of ending inventory.
The first year and recurring annual calculation service costs will be the same amount unless material changes and/or one-time services are provided in the first year of the engagement that will not be provided on a recurring basis.
Clients furnishing an Excel vehicle data input sheet schedule to LIFOPro will incur a $2 – $4 per vehicle unit cost. Clients who elect to not prepare an Excel vehicle data input sheet schedule, but instead furnish invoice PDF files to LIFOPro will incur a $3 – $5 per vehicle unit cost. A $300 – $800 base fee will apply for each dealer included in the engagement. The base costs and unit costs are for year end calculation services only and excludes interim estimates for alternative LIFO method engagements. Additional costs apply to obtain an interim estimate using the alternative LIFO method.
Clients furnishing an Excel summary schedule of inventory balances by vehicle type (new/used or car/truck) will incur a $300 – $1,500 annual fee for each dealer included in the engagement. Clients who elect to not prepare an Excel summary schedule of inventory balances by vehicle type will incur an additional $100 – $500 annual fee for each dealer included in the engagement. The annual calculation service fee for IPIC method engagements includes up to three interim estimates using the client’s prior period’s product mix and year to date BLS CPI/PPI inflation. The annual fee amount will not be reduced if the client does not obtain interim estimates as the time requirements for performing IPIC method interim estimates are negligible.
Alternative LIFO method
IPIC Method
Request a turnkey outsourcing solutions quote today & receive a LIFOPro report package illustrating the deliverable you’d receive as a Client, and a complimentary interim estimate of next year’s projected LIFO reserve change in addition to your fee quote! All that’s required is for you to email/upload your LIFO documentation from the most recent two periods closed. The process is quick & easy and LIFOPro will return your fee quote, LIFOPro report package & free interim estimate within 1 week of receipt of the required documents. Get started today by emailing/calling us or by submitting our online request form below.
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